Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Boat Prop Reviews

By Jacob Wright

A variety of boat propellers are available in the market made of different metals, made by reputed manufacturers and of different sizes. Boat prop reviews help boaters choose the right boat prop for their boats as well as the best boat prop for the usage of their boat. The advent of the internet has made accessing reviews of boat props by experts easy. Prop reviews are generally opinions of boating enthusiasts and expert boaters and have great value when finding the right prop for the boat.

Online shopping portals like eBay carry reviews of boat propellers. Some of these reviews are by customers and are generally unbiased. Customers give a candid opinion of the problems faced by them while using the boat prop or praise some special features that make the boat props extremely useful. These reviews give a detailed insight into the list prop and also explain the type of boat with which the prop works best.

Specialty boating websites have useful online forums. Boaters share news, views and other boating opinions on these websites. Reading archived posts of these forums will give the opinion of boating enthusiasts about the pros and cons of using the prop on certain boats. If there is no mention of the type of prop on the forum archives, posting a question on the forum about the type of prop will get replies from other users or experts in boating and boating props.

The traditional method of getting a review by word of mouth is still an excellent way of getting an insight about a particular type of boat propeller. Boaters among friends and relatives may know some aspect of props that cannot be found on the internet. Members of boating clubs can ask other members about their views of the performance of a particular boat prop.

Dealers are sometimes helpful in giving details of boat propellers and explanations of why a particular boat prop is suitable for a particular type of boat. Dealers are experts in boat propellers and deal with customers and their problems with boat props as a profession.

Boating magazines available both on the internet and in stores carry reviews of the latest boat props in the market. Sometimes, these magazines will have a review of an older model of boat prop. These magazines focus on boating and boating issues. Experts in the subjected are consulted for a detailed technical and general review. Some magazines also carry customer reviews of old models of boat props. Articles by well known boat racing experts will explain the most effective boat props for racing in the market.

Before purchasing a boat prop, it is prudent to check with unbiased consumer agencies like the Consumer Product Safety Commission or the Better Business Bureau about the consumer reputation of the product. Potential customers will know of the complaints if any made against the product and on what basis the complaints were made.

Boat Prop reviews give a potential boat propeller purchaser a preview of the type of prop suitable for the boating needs.

Wide selection of discount boat props. Compare the best aluminum and stainless steel boat props.


More information on Boat Props can be found at

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Friday, October 16, 2009

Boaters Who Ignore Common Sense Drown in Their Own Foolishness

Reducing boating accidents and fatalities does not require rocket science but a little more common sense by operators and passengers.

For instance, we know that more than two-thirds of all fatal boating accident victims drowned and, of those, 90 percent were not wearing a life jacket. Common sense conclusion - wear a life jacket whenever on a boat or personal watercraft.

We also know that only 14 percent of deaths occurred on vessels where the operator had received boating safety instruction. Common sense conclusion - take boating safety instruction.

And we know that alcohol use is the leading contributing factor in fatal boating accidents. Common sensed conclusion - don't drink and boat!

The leading causes of non-fatal water vessel accidents in 2007 were operator inattention (628), careless/reckless operation (552), excessive speed (473), alcohol use (391), no proper lookout (375), and operator inexperience (353). After alcohol, leading causes of fatal accidents are operator inattention and inexperience.

The U.S. Coast Guard stresses that: "The majority of boating accidents are preventable and therefore can be avoided if recreational boaters are 'in command' of their vessel." To learn more about the Coast Guard's Boat Responsibility Safety Initiative and for safety tips, regulations, statistics, recalls, and other information valuable to boaters go to the U.S. Coast Guard's website.

Most owners know how to operate a boat or personal watercraft because Michigan law requires completion of safety training classes before young operators can become licensed. But owners often will let untrained friends "take a turn" on the water and then very bad things can happen.

The biggest problem with personal watercraft is people striking other people in the water, either another craft or a swimmer. Operators of all types of boats and jet skis traveling at high rates of speed, must always be very careful and extra vigilant to spot people in the water. The craft may inadvertently travel into a designated swimming area, or a swimmer may wander outside the area. Since you can't brake the vessel, tragedy can easily occur when the operator is inattentive.

Another major factor is the use of alcohol by operators. Friends are out having fun on the lake on a hot weekend day. When alcohol becomes part of the formula for fun, then the watercraft should be docked for the day. Alcohol and water do not mix.

I also am not one for using jet skis for tubing. I know lots of people use of jet skis for tubing or water skiing but these are not designed to pull people through the water. They may have a hook for towing but the operator has very little control over a tube swinging directly toward a swimmer. Many states allow use of personal watercraft for tubing if there is a passenger spotter, but it still is a dangerous practice.

And the consequences of careless personal watercraft operators can be very serious, especially for young people. In any given year, about 20 percent of all personal watercraft injuries in the U.S. are to youth under the age of 18. Of those injured children, 46% were operators and 27% were passengers.

Jet skis make up only 6.5% of all boating vessels owned in the U.S. but are involved in 55% of all boat collisions. The U.S. Coast Guard reports that a personal watercraft operator is seven times more likely to get hurt than a motor boat operator and 30 times more likely than a canoer or kayaker.

Collisions with docks, larger boats and other personal watercraft account for more than 65% of all reported injuries. Collisions often occur when operators attempt to jump the wake generated by another vessel.

In Michigan, no one younger than age 12 can operate a personal watercraft. Persons 12 and older who were born after 1978 can operate a personal watercraft only if they obtained a safety boating certificate which is issued after taking required safety classes.

The attorneys at Cochran & Foley have the skills, legal knowledge and experience needed to protect people who have suffered personal injury or the death of a loved one because of a boating accident and will seek to win payment for their clients' injuries, expenses, and loss.

About the author:
Terry Cochran, senior partner in Cochran, Foley & Associates, P.C., a Michigan law firm specializing in personal liability, medical malpractice, and SSD/SSI appeals. Cochran does not represent insurance companies or corporations but instead bases his practice upon representing individuals and families. 800-322-5543.


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