Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Interior and Exterior Boat Maintenance

By Jeremy Thompson

There are numerous products available that help maintain the interior and exterior of your ski boat, pontoon or personal watercraft. Although there is an exhaustive list of products out there, these are just a few that are important yet easy to use or install.

One of the best products for good interior maintenance is a bilge pump. A bilge pump helps keep the bilge free of all that water that tends to come over the edges and find its way to the bottom of the boat's interior. Many times that water can end up sitting in the bilge for a long period of time and eventually becomes rancid and could cause damage to the boat. One type of pump to get rid of that water is the Rule Bilge Pump.

The Rule Bilge Pump is easily installed in the bilge and when overflow water reaches a height of 2 and ¾ inches a sensor first turns the pump on and when the water is gone another sensor turns it off. This particular pump is considered eco-friendly because if motor oil or other harmful liquids enter the bilge the sensor will not turn the pump on. This sensing technology not only keeps your boat clean but it also helps in maintaining the quality of the rivers and lakes that boaters enjoy.

Exterior maintenance of your boat is not only important for a superior appearance it also protects your boat from long-term damage to the fiberglass and construction of the boat.

One significant exterior maintenance product is a Keelguard. Installing a Keelguard helps protect the front end of your boat from scratches or abrasions that can occur from pulling into sandy or rocky shorelines. The damage caused by rocks and sand effects the keel's gel-coat finish. This damage could eventually lead to moisture finding its way to the fiberglass laminate which can lead to further damage. A Keelguard has also been shown to improve the performance and handling of boats and can also help in achieving greater speeds.

Another great product that will help protect and maintain the exterior of your boat is a dock fender. Dock fenders are generally made of high-quality vinyl and are hung from the sides of your boat to protect it as you pull close to the dock. After filling dock fenders with air they provide a barrier between the rough edges of the dock and the outside of the boat. Dock fenders are especially helpful for days when the water is rough or the wind is blowing and it becomes difficult to smoothly dock the boat.

While keelguards and dock fenders are used in conjunction with the use of your boat another way to maintain your boat is by storing it properly when it's off the water. The easiest way to do this is to cover your boat with a storage cover. Whether storing your watercraft indoors or outside, for long periods or short periods of time, a storage cover will protect your boat from harmful UV rays as well as repel water. Most storage covers are constructed of reflective materials to keep the sun from heating up the boat's interior which can lead to damage to carpet and seats. The breathability of most storage covers also keeps moisture from building up underneath and in the interior of the boat.

Most boat owners take a lot of pride in their boat. Help maintain your boat both inside and out with some of the products mentioned here.

It is that time of year again. Spring is here and Summer is just around the corner. Get your boat out of storage and make sure it is in perfect running condition for the upcoming season. Learn more about the Rule Bilge Pump and Keelguard at BoatingSwimming.com. Article by Jeremy Thompson


For more on Boat Maintenance, see www.bestboatguide.com.

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Friday, March 26, 2010

Choosing Boat Covers to Suit Your Needs

Your boat is a major investment. It is only natural you would want to do as much as possible to protect your investment. This will allow you to enjoy your boat for many years to come. One of the best ways in which you will be able to protect your boat is through boat covers.

The covers you can choose from range from just what will cover the controls to a cover which will cover the entire boat. You can also opt to buy a cover which is more like a garage for your boat. No matter what you choose, you will get a cover which will protect your boat from the elements.

Bimini Cover

One of the very standard boat covers is the Bimini cover. This is the cover which will only protect the controls for the boat. It is a cover which will offer the captain protection even while driving the boat. This will help to keep the sun out of your eyes and the rain off of your head.

This style cover does not offer complete protection for the rest of the deck, but it will help to protect your controls from becoming weathered and faded. Increased exposure can also cause your controls to become cracked and damaged. The Bimini cover will prevent this from happening.

Custom Covers

Most boat companies will offer boat covers which are designed specifically for the model you are purchasing. These are perfect to keep your boat from being exposed to the elements when you are not using it.

While these are generally only used while the boat is in a dry dock or on a trailer, they are designed so you can even cover your boat while it is still floating in the water. These are recommended for the maximum protection of your boat. Because it is designed to the exact design of your boat, it will even keep wind out.

Boat Cover Styles

There are boat covers which are designed to fit a general design type. These will come as close to a custom boat cover as you can buy. They will not offer the full protection a custom boat cover can offer, but they are the closest you can get. The design is made so that it can easily fit on the boat. The securing mechanisms will make it where the boat gets pretty good protection from the elements. Most importantly, the boat will be protected from rain and sun.

Makeshift Covers

Some owners will opt for makeshift boat covers. These covers are sometimes nothing more than a plastic tarp which will cover the main part of the boat. These can be held in place with bungee cords or with rope. While these kinds of covers do not offer as much protection as the ones which are fitted for your boat, they will still offer you more protection than nothing at all. No matter what kind of cover you choose for your boat, make sure you have something so you will be able to enjoy your boat for years to come.

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For more on boat accessories, see www.bestboatguide.com.

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Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Boat Maintenance For the Cruising Boaters

By Bill Rountree

There are a few very important points that I felt were worth sharing regarding boat maintenance. Most of these relate to the 2 years that I lived and cruised on my 40 foot sailboat, but they also apply to just about any type of boating you may do.

1. Maintaining your boat is not the same as maintaining your car. I don't do any of the maintenance on my car - but I do much of it on my boat because I feel that boaters need to know how to maintain their boat for a variety of reasons:

• If you get stranded in your car help is usually much more readily available than when you are in your boat. Even if you operate your boat in protected inland waters you might be in the back of a cove or otherwise out of sight of potential help. But if you are cruising in a remote area - or one out of the United States, you really need to know how to fix problems on your boat yourself and have the tools and supplies to fix it. I had problems with my diesel engine once in a small harbor in the Bahamas and after a day of working on it with no success I decided to go ashore and try to find a local mechanic to help me. None existed. I was told what I would have to do is fly one in for about $1500 - just to look at it, repairing it would be extra. I spent 2 more days working on it and finally got it running.
• If you get stranded in your car you can walk to find help - not the case in a boat. Have you ever tried paddling a large boat - not too easy.
• Boats tend to not be as reliable as cars because they are not used as often and therefore are more prone to have a failure. The belts, hoses, electrical connections, valves etc, etc all deteriorate over time and through not being used. Every time I visit my boat I start the engine, turn on the water and run it through the various outlets, open and close the seacocks, run the air conditioner, operate the bilge pump - basically turn on and run all of the mechanical devices on my boat. This has been especially important when my boat was on the coast several (or many) hours away and therefore I could not use it often.
2. Buy some good books on boat maintenance. If you have a boat with an engine you should have at least one general book on boat maintenance. My favorite book which was always close at hand is 'Boat owner's Mechanical & Electrical Manual' by Nigel Calder. If you have a larger boat you really should consider getting some other more specific books such as repair and maintenance manuals for your engine.

3. The most important advice I can give is to always watch closely while your boat is being repaired. Any time my boat's mechanical or electrical system is being worked on I always make sure that I am there to watch and learn. I ask lots of questions and even help while the work is being done. It makes the repair job quicker (and therefore cheaper) and I learn how to repair it by myself next time if I need to. After the mechanic leaves I write down notes on what was done with diagrams showing the key areas that were repaired or accessed.

The author, Captain Bill Rountree, is a lifelong boater, holds his US Coast Guard Masters license and a US Sailing instructor certification. He has owned motor yachts, sailing yachts, racing sailboats, rowing shells, kayaks, windsurfers and on and on. He spent two years living aboard and cruising on a forty foot sailboat and has over 10,000 blue water miles. After returning from his cruise he was dissatisfied with the resources available to sell his boat (and did not want to pay the 10% broker fee) so he started his own online website to sell his boat and help others buy and sell their boats. The website and other articles can be found at http://www.myflexads.com


For more on Boat Maintenance, see www.bestboatguide.com.

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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Issues Concerning Speed Boat Ownership

By Lowell Mays

Speed boat ownership is a financial investment. And the cost of a craft is one thing you should greatly consider. For fortunate personal, this might not be a problem. But not everybody is so lucky or blessed. Price is perhaps the principle issue of most people who want to pay for a craft. The cost of one unit can spin the head of someone wanting to have a boat. And since speed boats are frequently compared with sports car because of its price (and functioning), you ought to carefully analyse if owning a boat is genuinely for you.

Can you afford it?
The price of the actual boat is one thing, the costs that will follow thereafter is another. After acquiring a boat, individuals will have to worry about the other cost of ownership including fuel, insurance, repairs, transportation, taxes and maintenance. While you can say that you are able to pay the cost of the boat, take note that the large chunk of expenses happens during the occasion of ownership.

Are you anywhere near water?
There is nothing wrong with buying a boat providing you have a place to use it. It doesn't add up, though, to have a boat if you have to have to drive 100 miles in order to arrive at the nearest waters. And it doesn't make any sense if the price of transporting your boat to the waters is beyond the actual boat itself. Unless you live near on in the coast line areas or ponds, owning a boat is not a good idea.

Do you have time for boating?
Speed boat ownership is not simply a financial investment, but an investment of your time as well. While it is good to have a leisure activity once in a while, you still have to assess if the time you can spend with your boat is really worth its price. If you believe you can't give plenty time for boating that is worthy for the price, then think about vessel charter instead. You might not be a proud owner of vessel but you still get similar satisfaction without breaking your bank buying a boat, its maintenance and towing cost. Plus, you don't have to concern yourself about depreciation, insurance, memory and security.

Can you swim?
While this is the least thing you ought to be concerned of since life jackets can be at your disposal anytime, it is still worth mentioning. In boat ownership, you have to at minimum know the way to swim along with the way to conduct basic safety and emergency operations. This way, if something wrong happens while you, your close relatives or your friends are on board, there is a greater chance that you will all survive.

Do you realize the way to look into it?
Like owning a car, it is essential to have a minimum of the necessary boat maintenance skill so that when your boat breaks down in the heart of the water and help is not available, you are capable of fixing it rather than swimming to the shore just to get home. The confidence that you are able to fix your boat whenever the need arises is like knowing the way to swim despite the presence of a life jacket.

Also, knowing how to look after your boat will extend its life and keep the resale value high.

Lowell has been writing articles online for nearly 5 years now. Not only does this author specialize in weight loss,fitness and diet, you can as well check out his latest website on sun shine kids car seats and whole house generator


For more on Speed Boats, see www.bestboatguide.com.

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Monday, February 01, 2010

What to Expect When You Donate a Boat to Charity

By Pamella Neely

One would think that donating to a charity is a pretty simple concept, right? You have a boat, you want to donate it to charity and in return you get a tax write off. It is true that donating can be beneficial for both you and the charity you choose, but like sailing, not knowing what you are doing can seriously put your at risk. There are things you should definitely know to ensure you have a better understanding of what to expect before you set sail on your donating journey.

The first thing you should do when you decide to donate your boat is contact the organization directly by phone or email. Do not make a commitment to anyone stating they represent a charity. Should your donation be solicited on behalf of an organization, it is important to use caution. Get a phone number and let them know you will contact them when you are ready. Taking this step will keep you protected from for-profit organizations that pose as agents for charities.

Take the time to visit the IRS website and launch a search for qualified charitable organizations. The charities that you choose for your boat donation must be listed here, otherwise you will not get the tax write-off you deserve. If you make this mistake, not only will you owe back the amount you claimed, the IRS could fine you up to 40% depending on the value listed on your return.

The most costly mistake that people make involves when to use the fair market value of the vessel. The twist is, there are two ways that a charity can benefit from your boat donation. They can make needed repairs and sell the boat to help the organization with their financial needs or they can utilize the vessel for education and training purposes.

Although the fair market value may be used to determine the initial dollar amount of your donation, you can only use it if the charity informs you (in writing) they will be using the vessel for training and education. If sold, you can only claim the dollar amount listed on the final sale. The charity will send you documentation (Form 1098-C) of this amount and has thirty days to do so after the purchase. This does not include auctioned items.

Let the experts determine the value of your boat. Small boats, unless very expensive, do not have to be appraised but a bigger vessel should be appraised by a marine surveyor. This person is trained to look the boat or ship over thoroughly to evaluate the exact physical condition. This key information is needed in order to get you the best value for your contribution.

It used to be that you could estimate the value of your boat donation and file your taxes. Once people found a loophole, they took advantage of it and cheated the charitable organizations and the government out of millions of dollars. Drastic changes had to be made in order to repair the damage.

When you make a boat donation ask questions. If the answers are unclear, contact a tax professional or call the tax help line on the IRS website. The qualified charitable organizations listed on the IRS website should also be able to keep you afloat.

Whatever you do, don't lose your motivation. Your contributions to charitable organizations mean the world to future generations. If you know what to expect when donating your boat, you have conquered the worst part of the battle. The rest should be smooth sailing.

Pamella Neely writes about donate car to charity tips and procedures to help people donating a car get the best tax credit and give the most to the people who need help.


For more on boat accessories, see www.bestboatguide.com.

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Friday, January 08, 2010

Duck Hunting Boats and Boat Plans

By Doreen Murgatroyd

Duck hunting is a relaxing and gratifying way to enjoy the outdoors. Being successful requires real patience, to be still and quiet waiting for the ducks to touch down, a good eye for that shot and invariably persistence in dismissing the sometimes seeping cold.

Great skill is also needed. Choosing the right size and type of decoy, siting them correctly - which means reading and noting wind conditions. Shotguns need to be carefully cleaned and shot kept in good shape and on hand.

The triumph is to bag trophies. With ducks this will be not too many, to avoid overkill, and not too few. Enough to know that one's time and skill is vindicated.

The hull of duck hunting boats is nearly flat. In fact some argue that the most successful duck hunts undertaken are from layout boats and that the skill involved in this type of water-fowling will soon cease to exist.

The layout boat has a very low profile, lying close to the water. Both boat and hunter being well camouflaged, hunting takes place in the middle of the lake where the decoys have already been carefully laid out. The hunter lies down, almost flat, with room for him to be able to sit up and take a shot at the appropriate moment. Remember that most duck hunts take part in winter so true dedication to this art is required to follow the practice.

Layout boats are around 19" high, 11'-15' in length and 6'-8' wide. The wider they are the more stable they'll be. However this is only a small part of the overall outfit. One also needs a boat to retrieve the birds, transport the hunters and the decoys, and to tow the layout to its place.

These boats are hard to find commercially. People who use them generally build their own.

There are other boats from which one can successfully hunt like the Jon boat or canoe. This is also flat-bottomed with one, two or three bench seats. They are known to be stable, important for the moment when the shot is fired.

The flat bottom also means that the boat can go into marsh and reed where ducks may hide, without running aground.

Purchasing an outfit is one way to go, but there are alternatives. One of these is to build your own boat. In fact if you are an outdoor enthusiast, the choice of boat plans are endless. An advantage of building your own from these well constructed plans is that they are cost effective.

If you are interested in checking it out, click the link below to find out more.

http://www.theboatingstore.co.cc. Use the Page section to find boat plans or hunting boats.


For more information on Hunting Boats, see www.bestboatguide.com.


Thursday, November 26, 2009

Tips on Boat Repossession

By Spencer Arnold

Buying a repossessed boat can save you up to 80%.

If you are in the market for a new or used boat, then purchasing a repo boat is an incredible opportunity for you to save hundreds and thousands of dollars.

In 2009 alone, the market for foreclosed boats has increased tenfold. Why? Because luxury items are usually the first thing to go when the market tanks. When people are behind, they tend to let go of the items they use or need the least.

Repossessed boats are everywhere and this includes boats of all shapes and sizes.

Why, if buying a boat is important to you, would you want to spend more when you don't have to?

Lenders are inundated daily with new stocks of repos and have little desire to keep them around. They want these repossessed boats off their hands quickly and with little hassle. A consumer like you can walk in and walk away a winner in the boat buying game when purchasing one.

The banks and lending institutions want the property moved as quickly as possible and are usually willing to let them go far under the original market price.

The lender will most likely send these "abandoned" properties to auction and try to obtain the amount of the loan balance. With the excessive amounts of repossessed boats out there, many tend to go much lower than the loan balance in order to free themselves of the overhead, not to mention, the headache.

So where can you get a great deals?

Once again, repo auctions are a likely place to see repossessed property, although it does not stop here. The Internet is chalk full of repossessed boats and knowing where to look, is key.

Newspaper classifieds, online classifieds, Craigslist, eBay and online trading magazines are an excellent resource. Begin to sift through the information and learn all you can about a repossessed boat. Ask, Ask, Ask around your local area too. Invaluable information can be acquired through people already in the boating game and although some may charge a fee, they can help you immensely. Depending on your degree of knowledge about boats, locating someone in the industry to help you can save even more time and dollars than doing it alone.

Best of luck on your search!

For more great information on cheap boats, boat repos, and boat repossession please visit our site.

To find out more on how to find and buy cheap used boats please follow this link.


For more information on Buying Boats, see www.bestboatguide.com.

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